TONRAY HO is a certified instructor in both the Pilates Method and Yamuna Body Rolling, and the owner of Be Studio Pilates. The younger daughter of a Biochemist and a Research Scientist, she holds a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry and worked briefly as a research scientist before enrolling in a Masters Program in Performance. It was during graduate school that she was introduced for the first time to a challenging system called Pilates.

After graduating, Tonray moved to Chicago and worked a myriad of jobs until a fellow dancer recruited her to become a Pilates Instructor. Certified through From the Center in Chicago and Core Dynamics in Santa Fe, Tonray was a teacher-trainer for the Core Dynamics Pilates Program in Chicago for three years. She is also a certified Yamuna Instructor, having completed her training in NYC.

Tonray has worked in Chicago and Los Angeles in a variety of settings including eight years at a physical therapy clinic. Over the course of these years, she has taught people of varying skill levels and with differing needs. Her experience includes working with competitive figure skaters and coaches to increase body awareness and athletic performance; post-operative clients to rehabilitate injuries and recover from medical procedures; expectant mothers to maintain core strength through the prenatal phase and return to their prior strength in the postpartum phase; and Seniors to improve health and longevity by maintaining balance, strength and flexibility. She has also worked to create programs to help improve the comfort and physical capabilities of individuals with structural and muscular/joint imbalances such as Scoliosis and SI Joint Dysfunction.

She has had many exceptional teachers who have influenced her work. Some of her studies include:

  • Pelvic Floor and Lumbar Stabilization

  • Feldenkrais

  • Kinesthetic Anatomy of the Spine and Trunk Restoring Function and Relieving Pain in the Thorax PRRT

  • Eve Gentry and Joint Mobilization

Using elements from her diverse background, Tonray creates challenging sessions, physically and mentally, and focuses on solidifying the mind-body connection and integrating that knowledge into everyday movement.